Well the good news is, vehemently speaking, I think Romulo Neri is a man of innumerable credentials for the job of being the new SSS president. He graduated Magna cum Laude in a Business and Finance degree at UP. He held countless positions like chair of National Economic Development Authority Achievements (NEDA). He was also former secretary of Department of Budget and Management (I didn’t know there was such). Ultimately having headed different executive positions in his field of expertise Mr. Neri is, professionally speaking fit to run SSS.
However there is one peculiar character of Mr. Neri that is of a particular interest to me as a Pol Sci Major (naks). If we go back to the ZTE NBN issue, it was not his testimony that made him a “star”. It was actually the opposite; it was his having “no testimony” at all that media and his fan club, the senate that made a frenzy of issue out of him. Sure he did mention some dealings with former COMELEC Benjamin Abalos, he did not give any substancial, juicy, information about the controversial contract itself. It all boil down, or should I say “out”, to him invoking executive privilege. And there was silence…
Now what can we see here? SSS is a public institution, it is owned by the government, and hence it answers to the public. His position is also that of a public official, even though SSS is a government owned corporation. And I think his knack for keeping mum over issues that concern the good of the public and quelling initiations for questions of accountability is a detriment to the our democratic way of governance and it questions and weaken the integrity of the government. For a public official to say that there is nothing to talk about, by invoking executive privilege, tells something about that official’s character as a public servant, moreover it tells something even disturbing about the character of the one who appointed him. The danger posted by this thought is that the check and a balance that enables our democratic system to function is compromised thereby turning our system of governance a joke, us insulted in the process.
I have other, more malicious opinions, on Mr. Neri’s appointment but that’s for another entry if I have time. Or if the issue is still hot. :)
Politics is public. Bow
Phillip Don Recentes
AB political Science
Sorry for grammatical errors. :)
Credit to
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Philippine Star