Thursday, June 19, 2008

The fight for First Lady

We all know that the American presidential race is on the way. And both Obama and Mc Cain are going head to head on this race to the White House. but on the other hand, I have been reading reports and watching news about the other race in this election. the Race for the First Lady.

recently, Michelle Obama said, " for the first time in my adult life, i feel proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback"

Alot of people have commented on that, both positive and negative. she even appeared on the show "The View" and explained her side. even now First Lady Laura Bush supports Michelle Obama. but Cindy Mc Cain is not. 

What can we say about this line? is she really patriotic? are the words used to express what she wanted to say right? could she have said it another way? Is Michelle Obama the better candidate for the position of First Lady?

any thoughts or insights, please feel free to post something.

Thank you,

Enrique Moran


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't think this reaction needs a whole other blog entry, so a comment would do. Anyway.

Regarding Michelle Obama's comment, I think that all at once she meant something by it but did not intend all the meaning people read into it. I think that she said that because one, she is supporting her husband and she is glad because she obviously thinks he will be the saving grace for the USA. On the other hand, I think by saying that for the first time line, she disregards the fine history of the USA, the process by which it has become the country it is today, which is a pretty decent one generally.

The question of patriotism is pretty easy for me. Her statement was not patriotic, but I do not think it was her intention. That being said, I don't believe there was any deeper meaning in this statement. Surely the last thing she wants is another controversy for her husband's campaign. I think this is a case of rhetoric read a certain way. But yes, we cannot blame people for reading politics into it. Michelle Obama just didn't.

Follow up, I'm interested to know what you guys think the "position" of First Lady asks? Is there an unwritten code of sorts?

-Patricia Sta. Maria

think politics said...

yeah, i also think that it was some sort of an honest mistake, or she just didnt say it properly or as you said, with the proper rhetoric. yeah, what do they really do? its all over cnn recently. i mean about the first lady. or what makes a first lady, well the biggest thing they were emphasizing was what they actually wear. hahaha.. but yeah guys, what does the position of "first lady" ask really?


Anonymous said...

I think the First Lady serves as a sort of icon for common ground with the president, so people can see him more than just the president, they see him as the husband, the father, the family man, all through the presence of the first lady (and the rest of the family).

I think the first lady serves to remind the people that the president is still a man from and of the public, thus helping them to trust him ore. It reminds them that he is not so totally different from those who elected him.

Or maybe he isn't and it is an illusion the first lady creates?

I suppose it depends. When you have a first lady like Imelda for example, that's another issues all together.

I'm curious, does anyone thing First Gentlemen (as we have this) serve the same er...functions as a First Lady?

-Patricia Sta. Maria

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that last statement should read "does anyone think". Haha, typos.

and the other statement should read "Or maybe he is" not "Or maybe he isn't" I'm referring to the fact that maybe a president could be very different from his constituents and the first lady helps create an illusion.

-Patricia Sta.Maria

BughawBagwis said...

On Patty's question about the nature of a First Gentleman...

If we are going to implement the egalitarian view of society and gender, it would appear that the First Gentleman virtually has the same duties as that of a First Lady. At the same time, it is his duty, in addition to that of the Vice-President, to support the undertakings of his Executive spouse in maintaining a valid, credible and sound image of the Presidential office. In our (still quite) patriarchal society bordering on the medieval, we may view it as if he has the duties of a King Consort of sorts.

Applying it in our case, however, we very well see that the First Gentleman is, to quote Patricia Evangelista of Inquirer, "a misnomer to the one sitting beside the one in Malacanang, as he acts like a caveman waving his club to those who cross his path."

think politics said...

I also agree with what Patty had posted earlier. In addition to what she said, I think that the position of the First Lady says something significant about the soon-to-be president and reflects what kind of a person he is. This would be reflected by the way they had raised their families maybe, and even, the way that they had lived before Obama ran for the presidency. More so, the first lady would reflect this by the projects she would launch or support if ever she does become the first lady.

Perhaps what Michelle Obama had said also meant that she was looking forward to a change in the society, possibly a change that her husband will make if he is proclaimed president. Perhaps this is a change that George Bush has failed to make in his term as president, who knows? Maybe she's just happy that there's a chance that her husband would be the first black president and likewise, this would be a big change in American history. There's really no telling who is the better candidate for the position of the first lady unless they finally come into power and well.. I guess do something while they're in that power.

-patricia wong